Programming on a Bare Metal Raspberry Pi for CS107E: Computer Systems from the Ground Up

ARM Assembly, C, GPIO, UART, …

Throughout Fall quarter 2022/23, I completed various projects for the Stanford class CS107E, in which my peers and I learned all about computer systems, communication, and memory.

Assignment 1: Implement a Larson Scanner

Assignment 2: Implement a Clock

Assignment 3: Implement a String Formatting Library

Assignment 4: Backtrace and Malloc

Assignment 5: Keyboard and Simple Shell

Assignment 6: Graphics Library and Console

Assignment 7: System Monitor with Interrupts

Assignment 1: Larson Scanner

LEDs, which simulate a light running back and forth across them. This project was fully programmed in ARM Assembly Language.

Assignment 2: Implementing a Clock

Used buttons and an 8-segment display to create a clock and timer.


EMG Controlled Rover


Miniature, Wireless Cholesterol Sensor